Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This Just In

Well, I know I promised "makin' hay" and "cat wigs" today, but they were having some Internet issues here at the Crown Plaza in San Antonio. I flew from Tulsa yesterday morning to Austin, met up with my boss, and paid a visit to the editorial board of the Austin American-Statesman newspaper. Our main purpose in these visits is to present them with a simple, concise message that ethanol is not driving up food prices, and in fact, saves consumers up to $0.42 per gallon at the gas pump. Even though we had tons of research to prove our point, one guy still said," I just don't believe that." It can be frustrating to deal with people that choose to ignore the facts, but I guess it takes all kinds in this world.

After visiting with the paper in Austin, we drove our rented Cadillac to San Antonio. It's hot here. 102 degrees to be exact. Fortunately, the Caddy had A/C seats. They really came in handy.

The news down here this morning is the threat of Tropical Storm Dolly that is expected to make landfall tomorrow as a Category 1 hurricane. The funny part about this story is I am supposed to be flying back to Lubbock tomorrow. That should be interesting.

I'm off for an editorial board visit with the San Antonio Express-News. I promise to post pictures tonight, and recap makin' hay and cat wigs.

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