Saturday, July 12, 2008

On the Road Again

Well, my month-long hiatus from traveling will come to an end today. One cool thing about this job is that I get to roam like a nomad across Texas and sometimes the country, so whenever I start feeling restless here in Lubbock it's usually not a long wait until I take to the skies. Perhaps I should have titled this post "On the Plane Again".

Today, I'm driving down to San Angelo for a friend's wedding. I'm catching a ride with Rachel, Scott and Erica to the town three hours south of here to see our buddy Kevin take the plunge tonight.

Tomorrow morning I'll fly out of the San Angelo airport (not some where I've ever flown out of) and head to Washington, D.C. for the week. I'm going to DC for the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) Corn Congress. Our board will send delegates to help make important decisions that affect the country's corn production support. The first two days I will be taking part in a State Communicator's Summit, where we will compare each state's efforts in the Food and Food debate that has taken us all by storm the past several months. By the way, ethanol keeps your gas prices down $0.42 a gallon. Just sayin'.

The remainder of the week I will sit in on the Corn Congress sessions, make a few legislative visits with our executive director and board members, and likely eat a lot.

Next Friday, I will get up at the butt crack of dawn, take a cab to Maryland, and catch a Southwest flight to Tulsa. American Airlines was going to charge me $1,600 to change my flight from a previous destination to Tulsa or Fayetteville, so I just won't show up on that flight. Unfortunately, my beloved Southwest doesn't fly in to the DC airports, with the closest being Baltimore.

So, I will be at home, sweet home, until Monday morning. I hope to get a doctor's appointment to diagnose this strange mark on my hip. I'd post a picture of it, but that may be crossing the line.

Stay tuned in the week ahead. I will post pictures from our nation's capitol and the various activities I partake in while there.

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