Tuesday, July 8, 2008

There's Somethin' Strange in the Neighborhood

I grew up in this cute little church. It's over 100 years old and I'm pretty sure our family has occupied the back row for a good portion of that time.

It's a simple church, and one that evokes good memories from my childhood. For a long time, my sister and I were the only kids in the church, the minority to many many white headed people.

While this may seem like a warm-hearted post about my hometown church, I'm afraid to announce that it's more like something you might see on the Sci-Fi Channel.

For some reason here lately, I've heard a lot of discussion about odd things appearing in photos back home in Prairie Grove. From orbs to Civil War colonels showing up in pictures, it makes you wonder if there's really something to them, or they're just coincidental glares on the window glass, or dust particles that showed up when a flash was used.

I now live not too far from Roswell, New Mexico. Back in January while coming back from a trip to Ruidoso, we stopped in Roswell so I could explore the phenomena that the town has cashed in on over the decades. There's an "official crash site" at the McDonald's, several alien museums, and many other attractions where people have taken advantage of the hysteria caused by the Area 51 incident that occurred many years ago. While the town is amusing, I still really just don't believe in aliens. Call me a realist, or a fuddy dud, but seriously folks...

Well, while I was home in Arkansas for the Fourth of July celebration, I stopped at the church I grew up in, the First Presbyterian Church of Prairie Grove, to take some pictures. It was hot and I wasn't acclimated to the humidity after living out here, so I didn't take much time in snapping the images. Once I got back to Lubbock, I uploaded the pictures I'd taken over the weekend and began "working them up" in PhotoShop to enhance their color and detail. When I opened up the church pictures, I noticed something odd coming off the roof of the church.

I'm really not sure what it is, but to me it resembles the blurry images we often see of UFOs on documentaries or in the postcards from Roswell. It made me laugh really hard, mainly because I knew I had something good to email to everyone.

Wasn't there a cult several years ago that said Jesus would come back on a spaceship? Or was it a comet? Or were those two completely different cults? I guess I need to research my cults a little more.

However, I got an email back from a friend, who I think might have too much time on his hands, I noticed I had over
looked something in the picture that he pointed out. Take a closer look and see if you can see it...

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