Friday, July 18, 2008

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

I'm not against getting up early. In fact, after I force myself out of my nice warm bed, I'm usually glad I got up to enjoy the freshness of the morning - the start of a new day.

However, this morning I had to get up about 15 'til the buttcrack of dawn. As I mentioned earlier, I had to reschedule my flight from Washington and reroute the flight to Tulsa. To do so on American Airlines it was going to cost $1,600. So, I just didn't show up for that flight out of Reagan this morning, and instead, flew Southwest out of Baltimore, Maryland - a 40 minute drive from the Hill. I got up at 4 am EST, hailed a cab at 5 am EST, and got on a plane bound for St. Louis, then Tulsa at 7:20 am EST. I landed in T-Town at 10 am CST.

Fortunately, the traffic from DC to Baltimore wasn't bad at that terribly early hour. My philosophy is any hour before 6 am only comes once in my day. I had a friendly, and rather over-jolly cab driver for the journey north, and the rate was not the expected $100 as many had predicted.

So, what this boils down to is I had to get up at 3 am CST. That's dumb, but it was necessary. It was nice to get into Tulsa at an early hour.

The thought that a mere 15 hours ago I was in Maryland seems funny to me. But, here I am in Prairie Grove for the weekend until the rest of my traveling continues on to Austin, then San Antonio.

My pace changed in 24 hours from visits to legislators on Capitol Hill to driving a truck and trailer while hay was being loaded on it. This very thought makes me think, yet again, God bless America.

It's good to be home again. Now, I shall sleep. More pictures coming up. I'm just too lazy to load this tonight.

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