Monday, October 27, 2008

Rat Dawg

There's really not a purpose for this morning's blog post, other than the fact that I wanted to share a story about a strange creature of God named "Rat Dawg".

Rat Dawg showed up on the West Farm back in Prairie Grove several years ago. We found her cuddled up in between some round bales and she had given birth to puppies that resembled collie dogs. The funny part about this story is Rat Dawg is not a collie dog.

In fact, Rat Dawg doesn't really resemble any breed of kanine known to man. She has a beard, eyebrows and sometimes looks like a wizard from a science fiction movie. In the above picture she is kind of putting out the "ewok" vibe.

I'll let you be the judge. Remember this little character from Star Wars?

The tragic story about Rat Dawg is really about her offspring. They seem to be destined for an untimely death. A few of her puppies were masacred by an angry German Shephard. He went balistic one snowy day in the Ozarks and left a bloody trail up the snow powdered driveway.

Sorry, was that too graphic? You should've seen it. Then you would really think it was graphic.

Some of her puppies were given away, and some of those puppies grew up to have other puppies that continue to look more collie-like than ewok-like. Some of those puppies got ran over, while another found herself in a compromising position because it's owner left her tied up in their backyard that wasn't fenced in to keep out other dogs...other male dogs.

Regardless of the casualties of the Rat Dawg lineage, Rat Dawg herself has lived a life unscathed. Nothing messes with her. But, then again, I wouldn't mess with an ewok dog either.

Oh, and that's Karen on the left. She doesn't resemble any of the Star Wars characters.

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