Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Home Away From Home

I moved into an apartment about a month ago and I've had some requests to take a peek inside. It's just an apartment folks, so don't get too excited.

My wonderful mom came out back at the beginning of the month to help me move, which was really nice of her. Since most of what I have out here consists of clothes stored in Rubbermaid tubs, the only large things I had to move were a bed headboard and my bike. Other than that, we had to do a little furniture shopping.

This is my home in Arkansas.

It has my furniture. My stuff. My junk. And it will stay there until I move back inside of it. When I moved back out here, there wasn't a need to haul all of that crap with me. I felt like a hippie, because I loaded up the Tahoe with Rubbermaid tubs and my guitar and set out again on my own. It really confuses people as to whether or not I am selling my house or if someone is renting it. It's still mine folks. Right now it is inhabited by trolls, so don't even think about trying any funny business.

This is my Texas residence. I've never lived in an apartment before, but this makes the third address within the same zip code in Lubbock that I have inhabited. There's like 40 different zip codes out here, and I've only lived in one of them. It's a nice corner of town.

I live on the second floor, which isn't bad except when you're hauling things like new furniture or a mattress or a casserole up the stairs. That's somewhat cumbersome. But, I can leave my windows open without worrying about someone crawling inside. I wouldn't fear this anyway, but it's something nice to tell people.

It's a nicely landscaped apartment complex, and there's a pool and a workout facility right out my door. Sorry, I didn't take my camera in the workout facility. People might think I'm odd, and then I'd be that weird new girl that just moved in who likes to take pictures of everything.

The good thing about this new fandangled furniture of mine is it will go nicely inside my Arkansas home when the time comes.

I'm still waiting on my loveseat from Bob, get on it Bob Mills. I need me a loveseat. For now, there's a red folding chair from Walmart. I like red.

I've inherited temporary use of a dresser from my beloved friends, the Irlbecks, which I placed in one of my two walk-in closets. Thanks guys. Now I only store crap I don't want laying out in my Rubbermaid tubs - which I have since stored away.

I also have a balcony and a storage room outside on the balcony. The funny thing about his balcony is there's a large Bradford Pear tree right in front of it. I plan on putting a bird house or something right there. Maybe some lights. Or maybe nothing at all.

It's a cozy residence and I am rather fond of it. It's a nice place to cook things like this Mexican lasagna.

I also just realized there are no pictures of my kitchen. Sorry. Don't get mad.

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