Saturday, August 16, 2008

Airtime, In Print and Standing Water

Last week, I did a couple of radio interviews on West Texas ag radio shows about To listen to the one on KFLP, click here and click on 'Ag News' and you'll see my name.

We also had some success this morning, getting a letter to the editor from my boss published in the Austin American Statesman, which hasn't exactly been friendly toward our cause lately. So, that was a nice thing to see this morning.

Now, as for the standing water, we got about three inches of rain from a storm that rolled through the Hub City at around 3:30 am this morning. The lightening was rather intense and woke me from my slumber. We don't exactly get a whole lot of rain in these parts, but the past couple of evenings have brought thunderstorms, which have cooled off our temperatures to the low 70s today, and the low 80s the previous few days. It makes me really, super-duper ready for fall.

The city of Lubbock can not handle large amounts of rainfall at one time, because there's no drainage system. Instead we have these silly playa lakes. The streets flood, the parking lots flood and it makes drivers lose all of their common sense. I was in the Wal-Mart Parking Lot Ocean this morning (only the first five rows were above water, which left shoppers fighting and scrambling to find front row spots) and as I was leaving, a car was waiting on my spot. After I pulled out, another car whipped in there before the one waiting on me could pull in. So, how did the loser of the spot handle this? She laid on her horn for approximately five minutes to show her anger, scaring the life out of me. People can be real jerks. I probably would have done the same thing if someone had stolen my spot like that. Wal-Mart tends to do that to me.

This weekend is a neat weekend for Texans, despite their lack of necessary drainage systems. The Texas Legislature decided a few years ago that consumers deserved a tax-free holiday one weekend in August to give relief to people getting suited up for the new school year. Even though I'm not suiting up for the new school year, I decided to take advantage and purchase myself a new pair of jeans.

I'll have pictures posted Monday of the Parking Lot Ocean. As for now, I'm going to cook a Mexican Lasagna.

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