Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ice Ice, Baby

I'm not going to waste much time writing anything for this blog post. I think the pictures pretty much say it all. While I wasn't there for one of the worst ice storms to hit Northwest Arkansas in decades, I did feel the brunt of the front end of the storm here in West Texas that went on to hit Arkansas.

We left for Houston Monday night in 20 degree temperatures and freezing rain here in Lubbock, and arrived three hours later in H-town where temperatures were closer to 80 degrees. We never left the state. The next day in Houston, we saw temperatures fall 50 degrees in one day. Nuts. It's nuts I tell you! Ice fell in Lubbock, and they even closed Tech, which is a rare occasion. A plane even crashed the day after we flew out of town.

Apparently, the University of Arkansas hasn't held classes since Monday. They NEVER canceled classes when I was there...

However, when a region doesn't really have trees, it's hard for them to understand the full extent of what an ice storm can really do.

Especially, when a 100 year old oak tree falls on your house.

Yep, this is my house in the Grove. A limb went all the way through the roof into the living room. It is my understanding that my house suffered the worst damage in town. Awesome. If we're going to have an ice storm, we might as well do it up right. It will make a good story someday.

But, I would imagine my Arkansas readers aren't really concerned about what happened in Texas. I haven't been there to experience it first hand yet, but it looks like a bomb went off.

I should give the photo credits here to Natalie.

Stay tuned. More pictures to come...

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Mom and dad had a limb go through their roof too. It only made it to the attic. They have a tarp on it for now.