Friday, November 7, 2008

A Reminder

Just a heads up, this blog post tells a sad story. But it's a sad blog post with a good ending. Sometimes, stories like these remind us to get over ourselves and our silly, tiny, selfish problems that we tend to think are a big deal. Since this story is of local interest to West Texas, I wanted to share it with others who may not of heard about it.

Yesterday on the Today Show, a family originally from Seagraves, Texas was featured on the show's program "Everyone Has a Story".

The Lindsey family had a horrible thing happen to them a few years ago. The mother and father and their three very young children were traveling through their small town, which is 63 miles southwest of Lubbock, when a drunk driver t-boned them, killing all three of their children and severely injuring both parents.

Seagraves is in peanut country here in West Texas. It's home to Golden Peanuts, where Dirk Lindsey (the father) was a facility manager. Golden Peanuts is one of the country's largest peanut companies, and certainly a company connected to the Texas Peanut Producers Board.

The peanut industry is a tight group - both here in Texas and nation-wide. When something happens to someone in the industry, everyone comes together.

One of the parents attended the funeral on a gurney while the other was in a wheel chair. It took ambulances to get both parents to the funeral. The church was packed with everyone CEOs, presidents and anyone that was someone from the peanut industry who came to show respect for the Lindseys.

To move on with their lives, the Lindseys moved to Alabama and relocated to another Golden facility. They adopted two Chinese girls and named them Hope and Faith.

Watch their story here on the Today Show.

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