Friday, June 20, 2008

Blowing Dust

A few nights this week have brought some much needed rain to the South Plains in the form of strong, hail-dropping storms. Last night it all began in Amarillo with a storm that dropped a few funnel clouds and 81 mph winds. This storm eventually moved south and dropped ping pong-sized hail on the east side of Lubbock. Ever since I got this new camera for work, I've been itching to go out and try it out, so what better way that a mini storm chase?

I drove northeast of town so I could get out in the open to get some good wide shots. I hadn't been in my location more than 3 minutes when I could see the dust wall forming ahead of the storm. Within about 30 seconds, I was covered in a thin layer of red dirt.

I never was in position to get any good lightening shots, so I headed back to the house. With $3.89 gas, I didn't really feel the need to continue my "chase".

I will be very glad when these crops finally get mature enough to anchor some of this dirt. It makes my teeth gritty and sticks to my lips when I have on chapstick.

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